Committed to improving the health and nutritional standards of the poor in the rural villages of Kenya.


The Health Mission is committed to improve the health and nutrition standard of the poor individuals in the rural villages of Kenya, especially children and women with no exception of men. For it is also God’s sovereign will for us to grow in perfect health: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth – 3rd letter of John, 1:3 (KJV). We also instruct, educate and teach people how to stay healthy.

We strive to evangelize practically. It is easier to preach if you employ a pragmatic approach: take food to the hungry; build hospitals for the sick. Then, you use this as the ideal avenue of reaching them preaching and teaching them God’s word. So, by presenting the gospel to the people, we not only heal the body, but also their souls and spirits. With this empirical approach, many easily identify with Christ; for they see love, care, mercy and kindness.

We are grateful to God for His provision towards putting up the building. We express our heartfelt gratitude to God for the medical supplies, equipment and Echoes of Mercy Mission partners who have assisted us so far:

The health facility is located in Kamuya village, Homabay County. The medical center is intended to serve a population of over 20,000 people including women and children. Currently, the nearest health facility is located approximately 30 kilometers away and with the limited.

Transport means in the area, it is usually a gruesome and almost impossible trek especially for the children and the elderly. The county is reported to have high number of infant mortality, unskilled birth deliveries and other kinds of preventable deaths. This is because of scarce health care facilities.

We are now praying for God’s provision so as to help us complete the interior work of the health center. We believe that this is a worthy course geared towards promoting health and medical services within the Church and community. We also believe that the beneficiaries are not only from this village but also from the neighboring counties. Thrive Mission Medical Centre has a panoramic vision of providing the best health care services within and out of Homabay County. Patients will also be reached with the word of God daily as our focus is to use every opportunity winning souls to Christ.