Youths in Africa are greatly influenced by new movements and the secular world, which has been swamped by all sorts of media paraphernalia that is readily available to them. Kenya loses a great deal of youths to: HIV/AIDS, abortion, banditry, robbery, radicalization, drug abuse and alcoholism, devil worship and occultism. This is destruction as most of the youths die from these vices without hope for eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Many teenagers and youths indulge in dangerous and injurious life consuming activities because from their perspective, there is no hope for a bright future. This is because they have witnessed other youths languishing and perishing at home after graduating from college or because of the government policies that are talked of but never seem to be implemented. A past UNICEF report points out that young people’s livelihoods and incomes are without security and protection from corruption, the education and training they receive is without follow up on application.
This generation is clearly a generation in crisis and a lot of work needs to be done to save them from that mood of gloom. The Chosen has a heart for the youth and our call is to reach out to the youths that have been drawn away to the sinful lusts, sexual immorality, media maldy, robbery, peer pressure and other worldly vices. We are evangelizing, conducting discipleship and mentoring these youths for God’s Mission. Therefore, we toil to empower young people through life-changing mission.
This generation is clearly a generation in crisis and a lot of work needs to be done to save them from that mood of gloom. The Chosen has a heart for the youth and our call is to reach out to the youths that have been drawn away to the sinful lusts, sexual immorality, media maldy, robbery, peer pressure and other worldly vices. We are evangelizing, conducting discipleship and mentoring these youths for God’s Mission. Therefore, we toil to empower young people through life-changing mission.